Everyday luxury for team Zetteler is finding a quiet twenty minutes on the back of a bus and sliding your fingers between the untouched pages of a new magazine. Magazines are marvellous. They are provocative, outspoken and deliciously easy to consume, but choosing which ones to spend your hard earned dollar on — that’s the hard part.
Helpful as ever, magCulture has today launched its Boxset subscription service. The Boxset is a box of five magazines, delivered every three months to subscribers: a carefully selected set of new publications that together provide an exciting overview of current independent publishing. Aimed at businesses (although just as perfect as a gift for your fellow curious humans), the Boxset is an easily accessible extension of magCulture’s popular collection sourcing services used by those looking for a curated coffee table full of beautiful and insightful stories.
If you’ve had a chance to read Ali Gitlow's brilliant interview with magCulture founder Jeremy Leslie, you’ll already know how much we love his approach to print publishing and its sustained resistance to obsolescence. Upon hearing about this convenient new subscription offering we were keen to hear more from the man himself.
“We’re really excited about this. The Boxset is a natural extension of everything we believe in at magCulture. The journal and the shop do a lot to guide people toward the best magazines, and the Boxset promises to spread the word about them to people who may be aware of the scene but are unsure how to navigate it.
The best cafés already offer their customers a unique atmosphere, great coffee and perfect food; why shouldn’t they provide the very best reading material too?” says Jeremy.
The first five magazines in The Boxset.
It’s super easy. Depending on whether you’re in the UK, Europe or US, subscription costs are between £60 and £80 and all you need to do is sign up to an ongoing subscription that can be cancelled at any time. In return you’ll receive an inspiring delivery of publishing greatness every three months!